Are you wondering Which is Better SEO or PPC? Let break it down: Bizzexpose can say Organic SEO is long lasting, a properly optimized site can maintain a high position in the search results long after a PPC campaign has been turned off. Search engine positioning is relatively stable whereas PPC ad positions continuously change
Google AdWords Marketing Durban: We Can Help You Grow Your Business Bizzexpose is a Google Ads (AdWords) marketing agency based in Durban. We run and manage Google pay per click advertising campaign for companies. When people use a search engine, we place your adverts in front of them. Since most people’s time online is spent
SEO for Beginners This article is for SEO for beginners who would like to know more about SEO SEO for Beginners: What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, which in brief means optimizing your site to get it picked up by search engines, so people can find your site. The higher your site
Social Media Solutions In an age dominated by social media, you don’t want to be the dinosaur that is left behind, picking up the bones of your business, as the world moves on without you, that’s why Bizzexpose is here for you to provide bespoke social media solutions for you! Social media needn’t be a
Search Engines: what are they and how do they work? Search engines allow users to search the internet for content using keywords. Although dominated by a few, there are several search engines that people can use. When a user enters a keyword or key phrase into a search engine, a search engine results page (SERP)
Content Marketing Strategy At its core, your content marketing strategy is your “why.” Why you are creating content, who you are helping, and how you will help them in a way no one else can. Organizations typically use content marketing to build an audience and to achieve at least one of these profitable results: increased
Importance of Brand Building Brand building can be initiated with a well thought brand identity which can help create a strong brand image which goes a long way in consolidating the brand. Branding comprises of creating value to consumers that how consumers feel, think and know about your brand. There are three popular brands known- Product brand:A physical product
and how it helps your business grow Website Marketing Website Marketing is what every company should be doing to grow their business. The Internet has fundamentally changed nearly every aspect of our lives. From how we interact with friends, family, co-workers, and businesses, a technology that was in its infancy just 20 years ago is
Social Media Durban:We Provide Exceptional Services Social Media Management Durban Keeping up with the changing digital landscape can be a challenge. That’s why as a social media management Durban company we offer a range of social media management packages to meet your needs. Social media marketing has become increasingly important over the past few years.